• 813.538.2055  /  13940 US Hwy 441 Building 900, Suite 906 The Villages, FL 32159

  • Mon-Wed 10:00–5:00 / Thurs 10:00–6:00 / Fri 10:00–5:00 / Sat 10:00-3:00 / Sun CLOSED


  • Sugaring is a natural hair-removal method, similar to waxing, that is often better for sensitive skin. A sugar Brazilian’s results will last as long as a traditional Brazilian wax but the sugar Brazilian adheres to the hair and not the skin and you won’t need as much hair for the process to be effective. The sugaring method can be less painful and result in fewer ingrown hairs after your service.

    Waxing is a simple procedure by which hair is removed from the hair follicle. Waxing pulls out the root of the hair from the follicle leaving a smooth surface for up to two weeks with manageable regrowth for the following two weeks until the next waxing appointment. During the two weeks of regrowth, hair may grow in sporadically, noticeable thinner and softer. Since the root of the hair is removed the follicle needs to regrow the root causing the smoother and thinner regrowth. Typically, a Brazilian wax appointment lasts 25-30 minutes and a follow up appointment should be scheduled out for four weeks. In between appointments, maintenance should include exfoliation every other day with a scrub of your choice to prevent ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs occur when there is an abundance of dead skin blocking the new hairs from pushing through the skin. By exfoliating, you allow the new thinner hairs to protrude through.

  • If it’s your first wax/sugaring ever, we recommend you haven’t shaved for at least 10 days (2 weeks preferably). We recommend waiting three to four weeks between wax/sugaring appointments, but if you need to see us sooner than that to freshen up, we can certainly accommodate you.

  • Bottom line, you’re pulling hair out of its follicle so yes, it will be a little uncomfortable. We do recommend exfoliating the area for three consecutive days prior to your appointment for the best results. You should avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. And if it’s your first time and you find it to be painful, don’t worry, it gets easier every time. We promise.

    Ladies and Gents, whether you’re getting ready for your first Brazilian wax, bikini, or other body parts
    The more relaxed you are, the better your waxing experience will be.

  • For waxing, you may be a tad red and sensitive for up to 24 hours after. We recommend not using public swimming pools, public saunas, salt water or baths for 48 hours after waxing as it may cause irritation and burning sensation to the skin. Most clients experience a little redness for an hour or so, but go about their normal lives immediately after. 48 hours after your appointment be sure to start your exfoliating regime: we recommend a sugar scrub, home made is just fine, every other day until your next appointment to help prevent ingrown hairs.

  • Everybody is different, but most clients who get waxing or sugaring done regularly come every four weeks (give or take). Sugaring keeps the hair away a little longer, and the more you do it, the less the hair grows back. For many, it grows back thinner and softer.

  • Yes, however it depends on the medication and the area being waxed. Please verify with your physician.